Orvis Taper - Ray Gould

Thought you might like to add another taper to your collection. This one is
for an Orvis Battenkill Deluxe 6'-6 5/8" x 2pc x 2tip x 5/6 wt. The rod was
made by Wes Jordan himself and is an impregnated rod with a cork grip where
the diameter at the front is turned right down to the rod diameter and the
reel seat is a standard Orvis down lock.
0 - .075
5 - .094
10 - .111
15 - .122
20 - .133
25 - .141
30 - .152
35 - .164
40 - .180
45 - .197
50 - .209
55 - .218
60 - .230
65 - .245
70 - .262 extrapolated
75 - .277 extrapolated
79 - .292 extrapolated
If you plot a graph of this data you'll see two little humps in the curve
typical of other Orvis rod I've checked. 