rod tapers - FISHWOOL

To all,
        I've had so many requests for several tapers that I can't remember 
all of 'em 
so here are some of them:
      760 7'6" for a 3 wf line
           0"   .062        45"  .184
        5"  .064        50"  .198
         10" .083       55"  .212
         15" .100       60"  .224
         20" .116       65"  .238
         25" .130       70'  .252
        30"  .142       75"  .266
        35"  .158       80"  .280
        40"  .172       85"  .280
          45   .184     90'  .280
For 760E just add .001" or .002" to each strip to get a 4 wgt.

    754 taper-7'6" for a 5 wgt. forward-the taper I use most often for trout:
        0 "  .058       45"  .192           814A Taper-8' wf5 or wf6
        5 ".080     50"  .208           0 "  .060       45" .192                
        10" .096        55"  .220           5 "  .080" .        50" .208
        15" .108        60"  .242           10" .096        55" .222
        20" .122        65"  .268           15" .110        60" .242
        25" .136        70"  .282           20" .120        65" .264
        30" .150        75"  .304           25" .136        70" .282
        35" .164        80"  .307           30" .150        75" .304
        40" .180        85"  .308           35" .164        80" .322
        45" .192        90"  .310           40" .180        85" .324
                                            45" .192        90" .325
                                                            96" .326    

                The 8' rod has a fairly steep taper in the butt and casts a 6 
wgt. a fair distance. All 3 tapers are modified straight tapers and are 
fairly fast action rods.