bait caster 5 8 oz - Dave Norling

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Many requests for bait casting tapers here they are:
one piece, 6'-6" grip section planed and allowed to stick out the end =
while the rest is planed. fast tip rods. my grips are quite long so that =
I can use my left hand to help while casting while using this long a =
rod. I'll send pictures to anyone who wants them.

5/8 oz.=20

0-  .107
5-  .119
10- .138
15- .153
20- .189
25- .203
30-. .217
35- .239
40- .266
45- .270
50- .307
55- .338
60- .409
___________ grip
65- .441
70- .441
75- .441
78- .441

20- =20

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