Re Bamboo Spinning Rod Tapers - (Curry)rcurry

Darryl wrote:

>I know that graphite spinning rods would
>probably out perform bamboo

Harrumph! Them's fighting words...

But seriously, how do you know graphite spinning rods would outperform 
bamboo? I've seen plenty of excellent cane spinning rods and I can't believe 
that graphite has any superior characteristics to recommend it. Fiber 
reinforced plastic (glass and, later, graphite) replaced cane for spinning 
rods because of low cost of manufacture. Cane rodmakers couldn't compete 
with this new craze of the 50s... so after a while they didn't try. 

> Does anybody know of any
>tapers for spinning rods? Or is it only a matter of taking
>the first 5 or 6 feet of a fly rod and putting a spinning
>handle on it?
>From all I've heard, design demands are minimal with flip sticks; G.L. 
Herter suggested that cutting 6" off each end of an 8' 2pc dry fly rod made 
an excellent 7' spinning rod. But here's a taper from Kreider (also Herter) 

7' 2pc. hex spinning rod designed by Robert Crompton.
      end    6"    12"   18"   24"   30"   36"   42"   ferrule

Butt              .266  .262  .254  .242  .216  .188  .187

Tip   .188  .184  .180  .162  .148  .130  .120  .110

reed curry