Spey rod taper - David Riggs

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Dear Listers

This is for the guys who were interested in Spey-type tapers.  Sorry it =
so long to dig it up.

E. Gale and Sons, Barnstaple-  13ft. 1 1/2 in.

5      .154
10   .180
15   .212
20   .218
25   .233
30   .255
35   .274
40   .282
45   .293
50   (ferrule break is at 51 1/8)
55   .325
60   .345
65   .373
70   .395
75   .412
80   .425
85   .448
90   .454
95   .463
100 .480
105  (ferrule break)
110 .482
115 .490
120 .508
125 .538
130 .543

The grip totals 25 inches long.

The ferrules are heavy bronze with a 1 1/4 turn helix for locking.
Someone (sorry, I can't recall who) mentioned an english rod with these =
ferrules a few weeks back.

If anybody is interested, I can make a quick sketch of them and scan it.
They'd make an interesting exercise for a budding machinist!


PS  For those of the list who are not metrically impaired, Mikael =
Marklund (see makers link off the Rodmakers page) has a taper for a 13' =
rod.  The stations are the standard 5" but the offsets are mm.

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